OpenPlant PID Help

To Add a Pipe Run to an existing Process Line

  1. In the Standard Preferences dialog, set the active Pipeline Name to None.
    Note: This will ensure the new pipe run will inherit the properties of the existing process line.
  2. Select Pipe Run from the Piping gallery.

    The Place Pipe Run dialog dialog displays.

  3. Select the Flow Direction for the run.
  4. Click a point on the Process Line to start the new run. The Pipe Run will inherit the properties of the process line.
  5. Use the mouse to define the pipe run by dragging the line to the desired points and left-clicking to define each point.
  6. When finished defining points for the run, right-click.

    The Pipe Run Properties dialog displays allowing you to define a tag number or edit properties for the run.

  7. When finished defining/editing properties for the run, click OK to complete the process.
    Note: By default, the Pipe Run option is defined to repeat the command continuously until the Element Selection arrow or another placement command is selected.